Case Study:

PIM for Tech Rental: Grover’s Journey with Gepard PIM


Grover, Europe’s premier tech subscription platform with access to cutting-edge electronics that offers a flexible rental model over traditional ownership. Founded in 2015 by Michael Cassau, Grover champions the belief that technology should be a universal right, empowering individuals to explore new horizons both personally and professionally. By subscribing to Grover, users gain the freedom to keep, switch, return, or even purchase devices, ensuring maximum flexibility and affordability.

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Empowering Flexible Tech Access Across Europe

The project's primary aim was to enhance Grover's product data richness through seamless integration with a comprehensive electronics product information database. To overcome data silos, Grover sought to centralize and structure product data within a single source of truth, specifically a PIM system.
Grover Gepard PIM Case Study

Download This Free Copy And Learn:

  • How Grover enriched its product data through integration with Gepard PIM, ensuring accurate and detailed information for subscribers.
  • How we set up automated product data export to Grover’s Grading system.
  • The process of centralizing data management to overcome silos and streamline operations.
  • How we use Icecat connector for enriching multilingual product content.
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