Optimize Your Product Information Management on Amazon Marketplace

Unlock the full potential of your Amazon sales with the Gepard PIM tool with advanced transformation & mapping algorithms that will easily adapt your taxonomy to Amazon requirements.

* Please note that it is required to have an existing Amazon Seller Account before partnering.

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Gepard PIM - Amazon Connection Capabilities

  • Automatically list the product portfolio on your Amazon account;
  • Easily transform your product data into the format and taxonomy required by Amazon;
  • Synchronize your product catalog and seamlessly update your listings on Amazon;
  • Keep track and never miss any of crucial Amazon’s taxonomy updates;
  • Validate your data before pushing it to your Amazon account;
  • Upload products from your Amazon account for further transformation and listings on other sales channels;
  • Regularly update products price and stock;
  • Push product data to Amazon Seller Central.

What Is Amazon Marketplace?

Amazon Marketplace is an eCommerce platform operated by Amazon.com. The marketplace allows third-party merchants to sell both new and second-hand products. Amazon’s importance for retailers cannot be overstated. As a dominant player in the eCommerce space, Amazon Marketplace has revolutionized the way people shop online. It offers customers a vast selection of products at competitive prices, with fast and reliable delivery. This has made Amazon the go-to destination for 300 million shoppers around the world.

Once a third-party seller registers the Amazon Seller Central account, full access to Amazon Marketplace is enabled and activated. Sellers can maximize their sales by utilizing the platform’s comprehensive tools. Some core features are money-off or percentage-off coupons, Amazon A+ Content, a tool that allows a concise product presentation, Automated Pricing backed by algorithms that adjust prices according to the seller’s inputs, and the Early Reviewer Program that additionally boosts sales.

Amazon Marketplace Benefits

  • Access to millions of consumers globally;
  • Improve inventory management;
  • Reduced marketing costs;
  • Robust customer service infrastructure;
  • Access to Amazon Fulfilment;
  • Strong product presentation interface;
  • Simplified tax compliance process;
  • Access to Amazon’s customer service;
  • Powerful product visibility via recommendation engine;

Automate Your Product Taxonomy To Amazon Marketplace Requirements

Streamline your Amazon Marketplace product data operations and boost sales with seamless Gepard’s product data syndication. Get started today!

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