Although you can find stuffed keywords by simply reading through the content, here is a formula on how to check overused keyphrases within a web page, featuring a given number of words.
Keyword Density = (Number of keyword occurrences/ Number of words in the content) * 100
Say you have 1000 words of web content and a keyphrase that has been used 10 times, the density of that keyphrase will be:
(10/1000) * 100 = 1%
Alternatively, you can use a keyword stuffing checker that allows you to copy-paste your web content onto the platform and generate an AI report on keyword density.
Stuffed keywords are often irrelevant and overused, usually intentionally or unknowingly. Here are some examples to put it into better perspective:
Keyword stuffing isn’t good for business no matter how good you are at it. In fact, search engines, such as Google have devised ways of detecting web content with overused keyphrases, and promise to issue fine penalties for the same. With that in mind, here is why you should avoid unnecessary keyphrases on your eCommerce site:
Knowing how to avoid keyword stuffing includes understanding what a good keyword density is, which is typically 1% to 2%. In other words, your keyword should appear at most twice in every 100 words of the content.
You can check the keyword density using a free online tool, such as Small SEO Tools.
You can calculate keyword density by dividing the number of specific occurrences by the number of words on the web page, and then multiplying it by 100 to express the same in percentage.