Optimize Product Data Delivery In JSON Format

Easily transform your product data to readable and well-structured JSON format and deliver it across multiple sales platforms or seamlessly collect JSON product feeds from your data suppliers.

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Gepard PIM - JSON Connection Capabilities

  • Easily import your product data in JSON format;
  • Effortlessly manage your JSON files and analyze the data they contain;
  • Syndicate your JSON-formatted product feeds across sales channels;
  • Automatically collect JSON product data from brands, manufacturers, and partners.

What Is JSON?

JSON, short for JavaScript Object Notation, is a lightweight and easy-to-understand format, used for storing and transferring data. Thanks to its simplicity and openness, this data exchange format grew in popularity, and now almost every publicly available web service is utilizing is choosing it among other alternatives.

JSON structures are plain text files that can be effortlessly opened, analyzed, and sent over the Internet, which is a key to the broad interoperability of a format. The JSON format is supported by the main JavaScript frameworks and most backend technologies and offers to seamlessly map the domain objects, no matter what programming language is used. JSON document database is a perfect fit for content management applications, managing business operational data, and storing product catalogs within eCommerce applications.

JSON Benefits

  • JSON format is lightweight and and easy-to-use, compared to its alternatives like XML;
  • Provides high level or user’s readability thanks to its compact style;
  • Straightforward format structure, supported in most programming languages;
  • Fast and cheaper parsing process, as JSON requires less memory space than its alternatives;
  • The format provides support for all browsers in many languages;
  • JSON is a free tool, as its library is a free to use open source;
  • JSON document databases proved high efficiency in storing catalog information;
  • It’s a great tool for sharing information of any size, even including audio or video content.

Schedule JSON Delivery Set Up

Seamlessly deliver simple and readable JSON-formatted product feeds across any sales channels and partners, with the help of the Gepard PIM platform.

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