Import Module

The Import Module enables importing data from the required sources to further transform the data bringing it to the unified structure (taxonomy) accepted and required by the target platform. If required, Gepard develops tenant-specific features for the module.

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Discover Gepard PIM system's import module features

Unlock The Module’s Features

Within the import process, the module is used for creating and updating taxonomies, downloading new products to and/or updating the existing products in the product catalog. Import module is where data structures are mapped to the target schemas to ensure the consistency and accuracy of the content across all channels, meeting each channel’s unique requirements.

Organized Taxonomies Creation & Update

How to set up organized taxonomies in Gepard PIM

It is a starting point for creating a new data model, where the data model, aka taxonomy, is a set of strictly structured and interrelated data that describe products. Based on the source taxonomy, the module creates the target data model that will be used to fill the product with content from manufacturers or content providers. To keep your product data models adapted to new requirements, the module offers the user the capability of updating or changing the existing data models.

Products Creation Or Update In the Catalog

Products creation in Gepard PIM system

Just as easy and intuitive as the required taxonomy is managed in the Import Module UI, using the same user-friendly interface, in a few clicks the data model is filled in with products and their attribute values, ready to be further delivered to an eCommerce platform. Should a need arise, a product description can be manually amended on the product description page.

Flexibility On the Way In: Multisourcing

How to set up multisourcing in Gepard PIM system

In its ability to handle various types of content, Import Module is a versatile tool with a user-friendly interface. With the magic of data import settings realized under the hood, the user only has to make a few clicks to choose the required format for data importing. The module is designed to integrate data from various sources and accepts Excel and CSV files, JSON and XML formats via FTP or open API integrations.

Informative Data Import Log

How to make a data log in Gepard PIM system

The module keeps the user informed of changes in imported taxonomies and products. A data import report downloadable from the UI provides the information whether the category or features has been created or updated, whether the mapping has been changed, and details which category and/or feature value has been created or updated.

Import Integration Via Open APIs

How to make API integration in Gepard PIM system

Import integration via open APIs is a fast and simple way to have data models and product content imported for further processing. Product data is pulled from an endpoint via the Import Module UI in a few clicks, with the endpoint settings integrated in the module’s backend.

External Data Providers Integration

How to set up external data providers in Gepard PIM

Get product data into the platform faster from content providers. The source-specific data import streamlines importing data models and product descriptions from external content providers, e.g. the Icecat open catalog. It imports and processes external providers’ taxonomy data and product descriptions and enables the timely update of data models and products stored in the platform database.


View Other Modules

User Management Module

User Management

A flexible and easy-to-adjust PIM setup of your tenant’s user management environment for safe authentication and authorization to the platform user accounts.

Product Catalog Management

The product catalog management software automatically keeps your product content transformed, enriched and updated, providing the opportunity to override to manually add the required information to the product content.

Taxonomy Module


A flexible and easy-to-adjust PIM setup of your tenant’s user management environment for safe authentication and authorization to the platform user accounts.


A flexible and easy-to-adjust PIM setup of your tenant’s user management environment for safe authentication and authorization to the platform user accounts.


A flexible and easy-to-adjust PIM setup of your tenant’s user management environment for safe authentication and authorization to the platform user accounts.

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Do you struggle with product information management? Feel the need for a unified database to manage all your product content? Want to distribute the product data in an already adjusted format to a variety of end-points? Then, discover how Gepard PIM could help!

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